HSG SUNGDONG is developing environment-friendly technologies
to lead green growth and future technologies.
HSG SUNGDONG Shipbuilding research to meet various needs of Buyers and to develop environment-friendly and fuel-efficient vessels that are of the international trends. We satisfy all strict standards of international Buyers and Classification Society by constructing vessels optimized for each Buyer as well as implementing processes that are in accordance with each vessel’s specifications.
HSG SUNGDONG is dedicated to developing eco-friendly and energy-saving ships that satisfy the ship owner’s various demands and comply with the stringent international regulations. With the Technology Research and its over 500 engineers who design ships tailor-made to the ship owner’s demands, and the Research Center which develops and applies process for each ship’s specifications and characteristics, HSG SUNGDONG fully complies with wide range of strict standards set by ship owners and classification societies worldwide.
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